Here are some comments from people who have participated in the choirs.
Uplift your spirit and health
Why is it that music can penetrate to the depths of our souls like no other force?
After playing recorder, piano, pipe organ, guitar and drums, singing for me is the most pure and sacred of all music-making.
Jacki is one of those special, down-to-earth people who engages everyone to sing their hearts out. While Jacki loves African syncopated rhythms, she covers a wide range of genres. The group is well suited to most people and a great way to meet new friends – no pressure to read music, do homework or sing solo.
Whilst I conduct my own a cappella group focusing on ancient sacred music, I still sing with Stella and learn a lot from Jacki.
Thank goodness it’s a legal way to get high as a kite and put you in a good mood for the rest of the week!
Posted by Phil M.

Fun Class
Jacki is a great vocal coach, mentor and friend. You can meet lots of new people with similar interests in a friendly, relaxed, fun atmosphere in her classes. She can always seem to make any group sound great. I love the variety of song choices that she offers in her class. I would recommend coming along to try out her classes and add to her growing fan base.
Posted by Shellie B.
Give it a Go
Jacki is vibrant and energetic – at the same time she makes her classes relaxed, informal and enjoyable. Her classes are great opportunities to sing with other people, develop your skills, and learn about music in a fun atmosphere.
Posted by Graeme S.

Uplifting Experience
An all round rewarding experience. From the introductory “breathing exercises”, through the learning of new songs, to the exciting discovery of being able to sing and sing with others I felt uplifted. Always at the end of the class I was left looking forward to the next one. Recommended!
Posted by Alberto B.
Great Family Fun
I truly appreciate that you don’t have to be a great singer or musician to take Jacki’s class. She makes learning the songs easy and fun. Plus, in a world where so much emphasis is on “performance” and “achievement” – to the point where you sometimes feel like the message is, “if you can’t do something like a professional, you shouldn’t do it at all” – it is excellent to have a place where the process of learning and of enjoying just giving it a go is the point of the class. My son, husband, and I have gotten “better” as singers over the last couple of terms with Jacki, but the class has been great fun for all of us from Day One. We laugh a lot – it is one of the best parts of our week!
Posted by Joanne J.